Hay una crítica acerca de este grupo dando vueltas en la red, que dice lo siguiente: “si The Flaming Lips no existieran, habría que inventarlos”.
Cuenta la leyenda que esta antigua banda (¿¡y que calificativo usar con una banda que arrancó en 1986!?) de excelente pop melódico-lisérgico, tardó casi diez años en pegar un hit -She don´t use jelly, del disco Transmission From Planet Earth, de 1993-. Por aquél entonces eran considerados, casi exclusivamente, por ‘la elite intelectual degustadora de novedades’, como la banda más freak del circuito tradicional del pop alternativo. Hoy, casi 25 años después, son una de las bandas más respetadas por colegas y críticos en el amplio espectro de la música mundial, habiendose ganado además, una fiel legión de seguidores a su inclasificable manera de entender la música y la escena, en una banda pop.
Muchos piensan a la primer escucha -por la delicada excelencia de sus melodías- que ésta, es una banda inglesa; por ende no deja de sorprender cuando uno revisa su historia y descubre que son de Oklahoma City (USA). Crecieron en público disco tras disco (ya suman 12 Lp’s oficiales, 8 Ep’s, 16 singles y -no es broma- ¡6 albumes compilatorios!) y hoy ocupan el lugar en el que están, no sólo por haber madurado y evolucionado un estilo absolutamente propio y personal, sino porque el mundo musical que los rodea, parece haberlos entendido y puesto a su altura, desde Beck hasta Daft Punk, pasando por Björk.
El siguiente paso en su pegada mediática, lo dieron con el delirante y preciso Zaireeka (1997), confirmando más tarde su lugar con The Soft Bulletin (1999), y acertando de lleno en el blanco del casillero que marca: ” obra pop de gran factura y personalidad” con el inolvidable Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (Yoshimi Batalla Contra los Robots Rosas – 2002). Y, si bien siempre habían tenido inclinación por lo “weird” (raro) -canciones raras, letras más aún, títulos de canciones estrambóticos, títulos de álbums como el que acaban de leer- comienza para ellos ‘lo más extraño’ de su producción con Yoshimi, y se continúa en este excelente trabajo del 2006, At War With The Mystics (En Guerra con los Misticos), a donde pueden encontrarse -además de excelentes gemas de pop psicodélico- títulos de temas como estos: It overtakes me / The stars are so big…I’am so small…do I stand a chance? (Me supera / Las estrellas son tan grandes…yo soy tan pequeño…¿que debo hacer para tener una chance?). Sentados sobre el “brioso y sedado” caballo de la psicodelia, cabalgan sobre melodías que encierran en sí, la luz y la oscuridad -azucar para los oídos y amargura, por el dolor de la caries que trae esa azucar- y cargan contra Los Misticos (?)con toda la fuerza y desparpajo de su pop ‘no encasillable’.
Un disco -como toda su obra- ‘no apto’ para todo público, un disco donde el significado de lo que pretenden transmitir a través del título (una guerra), parece no pesarles en absoluto sobre los hombros, por el contrario, les da demesuradas alas y un motivo más, para seguir en su continuo “trance espacial”.
1. With You
2. Unplugged
3. Trains, Brains & Rain
4. Jesus Shootin' Heroin
5. Just Like Before
6. She Is Death
7. Charlie Manson Blues
8. Man from Pakistan
9. Godzilla Flick
2. Unplugged
3. Trains, Brains & Rain
4. Jesus Shootin' Heroin
5. Just Like Before
6. She Is Death
7. Charlie Manson Blues
8. Man from Pakistan
9. Godzilla Flick
1. Everything's Explodin
2. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
3. Maximum Dream for Evil Knievel
4. Can't Exist
5. Ode to C.C. (Part 1)
6. The Ceiling Is Bendin'
7. Prescription: Love
8. Thanks to You
9. Can't Stop the Spring
10. Ode to C.C. (Part 2)
11. Love Yer Brain
2. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
3. Maximum Dream for Evil Knievel
4. Can't Exist
5. Ode to C.C. (Part 1)
6. The Ceiling Is Bendin'
7. Prescription: Love
8. Thanks to You
9. Can't Stop the Spring
10. Ode to C.C. (Part 2)
11. Love Yer Brain
1. Drug Machine in Heaven
2. Right Now
3. Michael, Time to Wake Up
4. Chrome Plated Suicide
5. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (Fuck Led Zeppelin)
6. Miracle on 42nd Street
7. U.F.O. Story
8. Redneck School of Technology
9. Shaved Gorilla
10. The Spontaneous Combustion of John
11. The Last Drop of Morning Dew
12. Begs and Achin'
2. Right Now
3. Michael, Time to Wake Up
4. Chrome Plated Suicide
5. Hari-Krishna Stomp Wagon (Fuck Led Zeppelin)
6. Miracle on 42nd Street
7. U.F.O. Story
8. Redneck School of Technology
9. Shaved Gorilla
10. The Spontaneous Combustion of John
11. The Last Drop of Morning Dew
12. Begs and Achin'
1. Shine On Sweet Jesus: Jesus Song No. 5
2. Unconsciously Screamin'
3. Rainin' Babies
4. Take Meta Mars
5. Five Stop Mother Superior Rain
6. Stand in Line
7. God Walks Among Us Now: Jesus Song No. 6
8. There You Are: Jesus Song No. 7
9. Mountain Side
10. What a Wonderful World
2. Unconsciously Screamin'
3. Rainin' Babies
4. Take Meta Mars
5. Five Stop Mother Superior Rain
6. Stand in Line
7. God Walks Among Us Now: Jesus Song No. 6
8. There You Are: Jesus Song No. 7
9. Mountain Side
10. What a Wonderful World
1. Talkin' 'Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants to Live Forever)
2. Hit Me Like You Did the First Time
3. The Sun
4. Felt Good to Burn
5. Gingerale Afternoon (The Astrology of a Saturday)
6. Halloween on the Barbary Coast
7. The Magician vs. the Headache
8. You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)
9. Frogs
10. Hold Your Head
11. Untitled
2. Hit Me Like You Did the First Time
3. The Sun
4. Felt Good to Burn
5. Gingerale Afternoon (The Astrology of a Saturday)
6. Halloween on the Barbary Coast
7. The Magician vs. the Headache
8. You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)
9. Frogs
10. Hold Your Head
11. Untitled
1. Turn It On
2. Pilot Can at the Queer of God
3. Oh, My Pregnant Head (Labia in the Sunlight)
4. She Don't Use Jelly–Loudspeaker icon Sample
5. Chewin the Apple of Your Eye
6. Superhumans
7. Be My Head
8. Moth in the Incubator
9. Plastic Jesus" (A cover of the song "Plastic Jesus from the Paul Newman film Cool Hand Luke. The title is obscured on the back of the album.)
10. When Yer Twenty Two
11. Slow Nerve Action
2. Pilot Can at the Queer of God
3. Oh, My Pregnant Head (Labia in the Sunlight)
4. She Don't Use Jelly–Loudspeaker icon Sample
5. Chewin the Apple of Your Eye
6. Superhumans
7. Be My Head
8. Moth in the Incubator
9. Plastic Jesus" (A cover of the song "Plastic Jesus from the Paul Newman film Cool Hand Luke. The title is obscured on the back of the album.)
10. When Yer Twenty Two
11. Slow Nerve Action
1. The Abandoned Hospital Ship
2. Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles
3. Placebo Headwound
4. This Here Giraffe
5. Brainville
6. Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World
7. When You Smile
8. Kim's Watermelon Gun
9. They Punctured My Yolk
10. Lightning Strikes the Postman
11. Christmas at the Zoo
12. Evil Will Prevail
13. Bad Days (urally Excited Version, Mix)
2. Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles
3. Placebo Headwound
4. This Here Giraffe
5. Brainville
6. Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World
7. When You Smile
8. Kim's Watermelon Gun
9. They Punctured My Yolk
10. Lightning Strikes the Postman
11. Christmas at the Zoo
12. Evil Will Prevail
13. Bad Days (urally Excited Version, Mix)
1. Okay I'll Admit That I Really Don't Understand
2. Riding to Work in the Year 2025 (Your Invisible Now)
3. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet of Despair
4. A Machine in India
5. The Train Runs over the Camel but Is Derailed by the Gnat
6. How Will We Know? (Futuristic Crashendos)
7. March of the Rotten Vegetables
8. The Big Ol' Bug Is the New Baby Now
2. Riding to Work in the Year 2025 (Your Invisible Now)
3. Thirty-Five Thousand Feet of Despair
4. A Machine in India
5. The Train Runs over the Camel but Is Derailed by the Gnat
6. How Will We Know? (Futuristic Crashendos)
7. March of the Rotten Vegetables
8. The Big Ol' Bug Is the New Baby Now
1. Race for the Prize
2. A Spoonful Weighs a Ton
3. The Spark That Bled
4. Slow Motion
5. What Is the Light?
6. The Observer
7. Waitin' for a Superman
8. Suddenly Everything Has Changed
9. The Gash
10. Feeling Yourself Disintegrate
11. Sleeping on the Roof"
12. The Spiderbite Song
13. Buggin'
2. A Spoonful Weighs a Ton
3. The Spark That Bled
4. Slow Motion
5. What Is the Light?
6. The Observer
7. Waitin' for a Superman
8. Suddenly Everything Has Changed
9. The Gash
10. Feeling Yourself Disintegrate
11. Sleeping on the Roof"
12. The Spiderbite Song
13. Buggin'
1. Fight Test
2. One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21
3. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 1
4. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 2
5. In the Morning of the Magicians
6. Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell
7. Are You a Hypnotist??
8. It's Summertime (Throbbing Orange Pallbearers)
9. Do You Realize??
10. All We Have Is Now
11. Approaching Pavonis Mons by Balloon (Utopia Planitia)
2. One More Robot/Sympathy 3000-21
3. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 1
4. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt. 2
5. In the Morning of the Magicians
6. Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell
7. Are You a Hypnotist??
8. It's Summertime (Throbbing Orange Pallbearers)
9. Do You Realize??
10. All We Have Is Now
11. Approaching Pavonis Mons by Balloon (Utopia Planitia)
1. Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
2. Free Radicals
3. The Sound of Failure / It's Dark... Is It Always this Dark??
4. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
5. Vein of Stars
6. The Wizard Turns On... The Giant Silver Flashlight and Puts on His Werewolf Moccasins
7. It Overtakes Me/The Stars Are So Big... I Am So Small... Do I Stand a Chance?
8. Mr. Ambulance Driver
9. Haven't Got a Clue
10. The W.A.N.D.
11. Pompeii am Götterdämmerung
12. Goin' On
2. Free Radicals
3. The Sound of Failure / It's Dark... Is It Always this Dark??
4. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
5. Vein of Stars
6. The Wizard Turns On... The Giant Silver Flashlight and Puts on His Werewolf Moccasins
7. It Overtakes Me/The Stars Are So Big... I Am So Small... Do I Stand a Chance?
8. Mr. Ambulance Driver
9. Haven't Got a Clue
10. The W.A.N.D.
11. Pompeii am Götterdämmerung
12. Goin' On
1. Convinced of the Hex
2. The Sparrow Looks Up at the Machine
3. Evil
4. Aquarius Sabotage
5. See the Leaves
6. If
7. Gemini Syringes (featuring Thorsten Wörmann and Karen O)
8. Your Bats
9. Powerless
2. The Sparrow Looks Up at the Machine
3. Evil
4. Aquarius Sabotage
5. See the Leaves
6. If
7. Gemini Syringes (featuring Thorsten Wörmann and Karen O)
8. Your Bats
9. Powerless
Disc two
10. The Ego's Last Stand
11. I Can Be a Frog (featuring Karen O)
12. Sagittarius Silver Announcement
13. Worm Mountain (featuring MGMT)
14. Scorpio Sword
15. The Impulse
10. The Ego's Last Stand
11. I Can Be a Frog (featuring Karen O)
12. Sagittarius Silver Announcement
13. Worm Mountain (featuring MGMT)
14. Scorpio Sword
15. The Impulse
1. Speak To Me / Breathe (featuring Henry Rollins and Peaches)
2. On The Run (featuring Henry Rollins)
3. Time / “Breathe Reprise”
4. The Great Gig In The Sky (featuring Peaches and Henry Rollins)
5. Money (featuring Henry Rollins)
6. Us And Them (featuring Henry Rollins)
7. Any Colour You Like
8. Brain Damage (featuring Henry Rollins)
9. Eclipse (featuring Henry Rollins)
2. On The Run (featuring Henry Rollins)
3. Time / “Breathe Reprise”
4. The Great Gig In The Sky (featuring Peaches and Henry Rollins)
5. Money (featuring Henry Rollins)
6. Us And Them (featuring Henry Rollins)
7. Any Colour You Like
8. Brain Damage (featuring Henry Rollins)
9. Eclipse (featuring Henry Rollins)
1. Bag Full of Thoughts
2. Jesus Shootin' Heroin
3. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
4. Chrome Plated Suicide
5. Michael Time to Wake Up
6. Hell's Angels Cracker Factory
7. Unconsciously Screamin'
8. God Walks Among Us Now
9. Strychnine / Peace, Love And Understanding 10. Death Valley '69
11. Thank You
12. Ma I Didn't Notice
13. After the Gold Rush
14. I Want to Kill My Brother; The Cymbal Head
2. Jesus Shootin' Heroin
3. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
4. Chrome Plated Suicide
5. Michael Time to Wake Up
6. Hell's Angels Cracker Factory
7. Unconsciously Screamin'
8. God Walks Among Us Now
9. Strychnine / Peace, Love And Understanding 10. Death Valley '69
11. Thank You
12. Ma I Didn't Notice
13. After the Gold Rush
14. I Want to Kill My Brother; The Cymbal Head
1. Killer on the Radio
2. My Own Planet
3. She Is Death
4. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
5. Unconsciously Screamin'
6. Strychnine/Peace Love and Understanding7. Lucifer Rising
8. Take Me Ta Mars
9. Chrome Plated Suicide
10. Agonizing
11. Shine on Sweet Jesus
12. Golden Hearse
2. My Own Planet
3. She Is Death
4. One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
5. Unconsciously Screamin'
6. Strychnine/Peace Love and Understanding7. Lucifer Rising
8. Take Me Ta Mars
9. Chrome Plated Suicide
10. Agonizing
11. Shine on Sweet Jesus
12. Golden Hearse
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